Troop Leading Procedures Series- Enemy Analysis

Troop Leading Procedures Series- Enemy Analysis

This is the fourth video in our Troop Leading Procedures Video Series. In it we cover Enemy Analysis. Enemy Analysis is vitally important when conducting mission analysis. You cannot develop a good plan if you don't have a well developed enemy to fight against! Enjoy!

Some key points for this video are: 

In Enemy Analysis at the platoon level, we analyze five different things: 1) Composition 2) Disposition 3) Strength 4) Capabilities 5) Most Likely Course of Action (EMLCOA).

To help us analyze Composition, Strength, and Capabilities, we develop a Doctrinal Template (DOCTEMP) for the enemy. 

The baseline for the DOCTEMP is an enemy task organization, or line wire diagram. However, this task org is a bit juiced up compared to our normal one. 

In this task org, you must identify who you think the enemy's decisive operation and shaping operations are. You must give each element an expected task and purpose. You must depict in which elements you think enemy key weapons will be. Place the enemy's expected mission statement in the top right of this document, and the enemy's expected strength in the top left. 

To help us analyze Disposition and EMLCOA, we develop a Situational Template (SITEMP) for the enemy.

The baseline for the SITEMP is an enemy COA sketch. 

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